Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do You Wanna Talka About Quokka

 The other day we found the cutest animal. It is called the happiest animal on Earth because it's always smiling even when it's sleeping. It is called a Quokka!

Sleepy Quokka
Quokka eating leaf

smiling Quokka
See these precious animals live in Western Australia. So this is the conversation mom and I had
Me: "Ahhhhh mom I'm in love with the Quokka as your Facebook profile picture!"
Mom: "I want one BAD!"
Me: "I wish we could have one too!"
Mom"Well if they're ever available in the U.S.A we will own one."
Me "Are you sure we can't just smuggle one into the U.S?"
Mom "No you can't smuggle a quokka into the U.S!"

Later today I thought of something "Soft quokka,warm quokka, little ball of fur, happy quokka, sleepy quokka, ..... " Mom says "G'day, mate"

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